Friday, March 03, 2006

MJ'S Party

So MJ's ex was getting married, he was kind enough to invite her, but she opted to throw a not getting married party instead. Note to self, if someone tells you they are having an eighties party, you might want to check with someone else before you show up. MJ's friend got to the party all decked out in an 80's get up only to realize, nobody else was, I don't care who you are that's funny. The most surreal moment of the evening was when the country rock band whose specialties lye in Toby Keith covers starts to play, Prince's Purple Rain. I kid you not it was fantastic.

Sunday Keely and I took a drive out to Tybee to check out old fort Pulaski it was really cool. We tracked some deer through the bush, and leaped over some treacherous ravines, the fort was cool, too. I mean the things got a friggin moat for Christ sake.



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